Volunteers for Bighorn know they will work hard during their time, but most come back year after year. SECURE A SPOT BY SIGNING UP NOW!
Welcome to Bighorn!
Building our team of volunteers is always a work in progress!
We are now accepting requests to volunteer at the 2025 Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run, June 19-21. Volunteering for Bighorn offers an epic experience to those involved, and there are many volunteer opportunities! It is important to know most of our volunteer opportunities require a 6-8 hour work shift and can involve driving time, extensive time on your feet and in the elements. You can find a short description of volunteer jobs below. Please look at the options below and click on "volunteer now". Fill in the form and select your “interests” in the section on the form that best fit your interests and ability to commit before, during, or after our event. You may choose more than one. This commitment is big and we count on you once you make the commitment to volunteer, so please take that to heart.
We will be contacting volunteers at different times depending on what your interests are. We will do our best to find an opportunity for you that best fits your interests and the race’s needs. Keep in mind, we often do not know until April/May/Early June where our volunteers are most needed. If you have volunteered in the past and plan to volunteer again, we have you on our priority list to contact or have already been in touch, but please fill out the volunteer form if you have not done it before.
Thank you to all who are committed to volunteer or who have volunteered in the past! If you are interested and willing to volunteer your time to this inspiring event that tests the human spirit, please sign up! Then get ready to be INSPIRED, have a great time, and make some new friends!
Position involves attention to detail and is located in Sheridan at the Best Western Sheridan Center. Responsibilities include: greeting each participant, verifying ID and registration details, and communicating with other volunteers.
Position involves 1-2 days of stuffing and packing registration bags with information, t-shirts, and gift items. Volunteer will be working at Best Western Sheridan Center and spend the majority of the time on their feet greeting participants and handing out stuffed bags and souvenir t-shirts.
Position involves a fast-paced, busy environment helping to set up and tear down the stations, serving runners as they come through with food, drinks, foot ad body care, lots of encouragement, and any other needs. This involves a FULL day of work but is super rewarding helping fellow humans achieve a goal. All stations must be accessed by vehicle so you must be able to get yourself there.
Position involves supporting finishers after they cross the finish line. This position is not for the squeemish or the shy! It requires an outgoing person who is comfortable communicating with people you don't know. You will see injury, blood, or ehemmm.. other body fluids! Most runners are not modest after running 100 miles! It's fast paced and busy and you will be on your feet and in the elements for the day. The finish is in Scott Park Dayton Wyoming.
Position involves checking finishers off a finish list and handing out appropriate finisher awards. Organization skills are a plus for this job. It is located in Scott Park in Dayton, Wyoming at the bandshell area. Volunteer must park outside the park and walk in or ride a shuttle provided from TR High School.
Position involves clearing trail in the weeks leading up to the race, using power and hand tools, packing in equipment and supplies, marking and de-flagging the course and other things that commonly arise before during and after the event. This is often hard labor and requires hiking to remote places along the trail to clear debris, and build foot bridges that have been washed away. You must carry your own supplies and be willing to help get tools and equipment to the location intended. You must be able to provide your own transportation or be willing to carpool to the desired trailhead.
Please reach us at racedirector@bighorntrailrun.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Besides excitement and a great attitude...
1. Long sleeves and pants
2. shorts sleeves and shorts
3. Hat (expect sun)
4. Rain jacket
5. Good shoes
6. Sunscreen
7. Bug Spray
8. Personal snacks and drinks
9. Comfortable personal chair
10. On course we are a "cupless" race. You will need a personal water bottle and you may like to have a tumbler for hot drinks
Overnight Volunteer supplies in addition to above:
Sleeping bag and pillow (luxury item)
Sleeping pad or hammock
Hat, gloves, and warm boots
AND don't forget your toothbrush!
Most stations have designated parking areas. Please utilize them for your parking needs. Since the stations get congested there is often a distance to walk to get to your station. Many have an unloading area where you can drop your supplies then go park your car and walk in. Ask your Captain the logistics of your particular location.
Once you have been assigned a station the Captain of that station will contact you be email or phone. This is the person you should ask any questions you may have or may arise. The Captain will be sending information regarding supplies, parking, car pooling, station duties, scheduled working times, and how to address runners while serving their needs, and any other info they think is pertinent to what you will be doing. If you do not know your Captain you can send an email to Racedirector@bighorntrailrun.com and we can guide you to who that is and hook you up with contact information. Keep in mind that the Captain may be solidifying the team before sending any information out so as not to miss anyone. If they have made initial contact with you be patient for follow up information and know they will get with you when they have everything planned.